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To Our Valued Customers

We want to assure our customers that we are here for you during this current health crisis. We, like all of you, are taking the pandemic coronavirus seriously. Our customers' personal and financial well-being is foremost on our minds as we keep up with the recommendations from those best positioned to make them. At this time, we are taking the recommended precautions to protect our customers and staff [such as sanitizing surfaces, providing hand sanitizer to customers, wearing gloves, sanitizing after each customer, etc.].

Many banks are adjusting their operations currently, and we are watching best practices and will update you as we make changes moving forward. Any significant changes, such as limited access to our lobbies, will be announced on our website, in our advertising, and posted at our locations. As of now, our lobbies are open, but we encourage our customers to utilize our drive-up, ATM, online banking, and debit and credit cards.

Although we enjoy seeing you in the bank, we recommend you adopt the public health practice of social distancing. The good news is there are many other ways to conduct most banking business. You can do most of your banking anytime, anywhere using IFB online and mobile banking. If you are not yet using those digital services, you can find support on our website today. Here are other resources we recommend using at this time.

Thank you for your patience. We are staying diligent to monitor the most relevant information from our public health authorities regarding COVID-19, and we will keep you updated if changes occur.

Your Friends at IFB

Further Articles & Information

Steps to take if you are sick from the CDC Says:
"Banks have remained open for business due to their criticality to consumer life."

Did a nursing home or assisted living facility take your stimulus check?

by Lois Greisman
Elder Justice Coordinator, FTC

We know there’s been a flood of information and updates
about the government’s economic impact payments, or
so-called stimulus checks, lately. But quickly and
safely moving massive amounts of money into the hands
of those who need it is a big job with a lot of moving

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